GCP Cloud SQL integration w/ Java Web App

3 minute read

MyBatis + Spring Boot: Servlet, JSP & JDBC

There are some well-known frameworks for developing the non-distributed Java web apps:

  • ORM: Ususally for controlling the relational database(data access w\ JDBC), right now SQL-based MyBatis or Hibernate is pretty popular.
  • MVC: Model, View and Controller. Each component interacts with one another instead of replying on each other. This design pattern allows code reuse and parallel development.
  • Spring: extensive features that work either for any Java apps or Java EE. Spring AOP can help everyone reduce the burden of creating the object, manaing the exceptions, recording the logs & more.

I’ve worked with most of these functions with the most common databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL… but never with GCP Cloud SQL. So it’s pretty fun to try it for the first time and see how everthing works. This post simply serves as a recording function.

How to

Create the MySQL Instance for CloudSQL

Makre sure you have all the necessary APIs enabled. In the command line type to checl the connection name:

gcloud sql instances describe <INSTANCE_NAME> | grep connectionName.

Add dependencies in Pom.xml

Add config.properties in src/main/resources
# [START gae_flex_mysql_config_properties]
# [END gae_flex_mysql_config_properties]
Add test servlet to test connections

Add a socket factory Java file under the src/main/package..., here is one example file taken from here:

As you can see, the program stores some SQL command as strings and try test connections by creating the databse & insert data into it.

If the connection fails, or there are some other errors, it throws a specific error.

 * Copyright 2018 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.cloud.sql.mysql;

import com.google.cloud.sql.core.CoreSocketFactory;
import com.mysql.cj.conf.PropertySet;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.ServerSession;
import com.mysql.cj.protocol.SocketConnection;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Properties;

 * A MySQL {@link SocketFactory} that establishes a secure connection to a Cloud SQL instance using
 * ephemeral certificates.
 * <p>The heavy lifting is done by the singleton {@link CoreSocketFactory} class.
public class SocketFactory implements com.mysql.cj.protocol.SocketFactory {

  public <T extends Closeable> T connect(
      String host, int portNumber, PropertySet props, int loginTimeout) throws IOException {
    return connect(host, portNumber, props.exposeAsProperties(), loginTimeout);

   * Implements the interface for com.mysql.cj.protocol.SocketFactory for mysql-connector-java prior
   * to version 8.0.13. This change is required for backwards compatibility.
  public <T extends Closeable> T connect(
      String host, int portNumber, Properties props, int loginTimeout) throws IOException {
    T socket = (T) CoreSocketFactory.connect(props, CoreSocketFactory.MYSQL_SOCKET_FILE_FORMAT);
    return socket;

  // Cloud SQL sockets always use TLS and the socket returned by connect above is already TLS-ready.
  // It is fine to implement these as no-ops.
  public void beforeHandshake() {}

  public <T extends Closeable> T performTlsHandshake(
      SocketConnection socketConnection, ServerSession serverSession) throws IOException {
    T socket = (T) socketConnection.getMysqlSocket();
    return socket;

  public void afterHandshake() {}

Then follow the following steps:

  • First run mvn jetty:run. This command allows us to build and run the web application without needing to assemble it into a war by using the jetty-maven-pluging;
  • Run with mvn clean, then mvn appengine:devserver;
  • Check local host in the browser and see if there throws any error.


[1] Cloud SQL Socket Factory for JDBC drivers - GitHub

[2] gcloud command-line tool overview

[3] connector - 8

[4] Simple JDBC comparision

[5] cloudsql connection pool checking

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