Streaming Systems: Data Processing, Watermarks & Advanced Windowing

3 minute read

This post is my reading notes of Part 1, The Beam Model(Chapter 1-4) from the book, which covers the high-level batch, streaming data processing model called Apache Beam;

Streaming 101

1. What is streaming?

Streaming System

A type of data processing engine designed with infinite datasets in mind.

Shape of a dataset

  Cardinality Consitution
definition its size, with the most salient aspect of cardinality being whether the given dataset is infinite or finite; physical manifestation, which defines the way one can interact with the given dataset;
types - Bounded data: a dataset that is finite in size;
- Unbounded data: a dataset that is infinite in size(at least theoretically);
Two primary constitutions of importance is:
- Table: A holistic view of a dataset at a specific point in time. SQL systems have traditionally dealt in tables;
- Stream: An element-by-element view of the evolution of the dataset over time. The MapReduce lineage of data processing systems have traditionally dealt in streams.

Why stream processing is important?

  • business requires more timely insights & streaming achieves lower latency;
  • easier to manage massive, unbounded dataset that are increasingly common nowadays;
  • more consistent, predictable comsumption of resources since the incoming data arrival is spread out evenly;

2. Background

Lambda Architecture

Lambda Architecture: a data processing architecture that has stream system to produce low-latency, inaccurate(either bcoz of approximation algorithm or the system itself does not provide correctness)/speculative results and batch system to provide eventual correct results;

Some links:

  1. How to beat the CAP theorem
  2. Questioning the Lambda Architecture

The reason that the Lambda Architecture is successful is it could actually provide some good results even though the correctness is a bit of letdown; However, it is a lot of work to maintain two independent versions of pipeline and merge the results in the end;

Some people argue against the necessity of dual-mode execution because of the issue of repeatability of using a replayable system(like Kafka) so they propose the Kappa Architecture, which runs a single pipeline using a well designed & built system(like Apache Flink);

Lambda Architecture Kappa Architecture
lambda kappa

Lambda vs Kappa Architecture

Usually if the real-time algorithm and batch algorithm have different outputs, meaning batch & real-time layers cannot be merged, then must use Lambda Architecture;


Batch vs Streaming Efficiency

  • Batch: high-latency, higher-efficiency;
  • Streaming: low-latency, lower-efficiency;

But for streaming system to achieve the same performance of batch systems, we only need to focus on 2 things:

  1. correctness: because strong consistency is required for exactly-once processing, which is required for correctness, which is requirerd to meet batch system’s level of performance. (ref: Why local state is a fundamental primitive in stream processing)
  2. tools for reasoning about time: essential for dealing with unbounded, unordered data of varying time skew;

Event Time vs Processing Time

Event Time Processing Time
Definition the time at which events actually occured the time at which events are observed in the system

Some variables that can affect the skew between event time and processing time;

  • shared recource limitations like network congestion, network partitions, shared CPU, etc;
  • software causes like distributed system logic, contention, etc;
  • features of the data like distribution, variance in throughput, variance in disorder;


Because the overall mapping between event time and processing time is not static(the lag/skew can vary arbitraily over time), we cannot analyze data soely by the observed time;

To cope with such unfortunate design for unbounded data of many systems, we implement the windowing of the incoming data, meaning chopping up a dataset into finite pieces along temporal boundaries;

Data Processing Patterns

  • Bounded Data

pretty straightforward, run the dataset through some data processing engine to get a strcutured dataset with greater inherent value;

  • Unbounded Data

  • Fixed windows

Most common way, repeatedly run a batch engine to process input data which is windowed into fixed-size windows(separate data source, sometimes called tumbling windows);

  • Sessions


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